Here's the whole story-I contact Joanna & Jackson at our meeting time of 6:45 am and they were running about 15 min late, (not a catastrophe). They get to the park and I give them their early entry passes and we drive to the the gate. Well the pricing just doubled since I had been there two weeks ago and I only had 5 tickets and needed six. After about 10 minutes of groveling and begging and explaining that I was just one ticket short the poor man finally has mercy on me and lets us in. (Don't tell anyone) (Oh yeah and the sunrise is growing closer). We head down the road only to find that the gate is locked! (should have been opened at 6am). We talk about what would be best to do then I jet off to find someone to open the gate. We get the gate opened and rush down to the beach to find the sun peeking above the horizon then fly into a frenzy of creating portraits. I can't remember the last time I worked so fast. We get the sunrise portraits done and the rest praise God was cake! I can't say enough about Joanna & Jackson, they were great to be with and had a can-do attitude. Their story started at 3am this morning. I am relaying only my version of the day.
Anyway, I photographed Joanna's sister Misty's wedding six years ago and have had a great re pore with the family ever since. I met Jackson today, what a great guy, Joanna nabbed him up before anyone else could get him! They make a great couple, and fantastic portraits! Don't they just go together!?

I love them, Scott! Looks like despite the early morning challenges, you got some amazing images of this beautiful couple!
Scott, once again you've shown what an amazing photographer you are!!! LOVE THEM! ~Heidi
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