My first born "LeAnna". Although she takes after me allot in mannerisms and likes, she gets her beauty and height from her mother. LeAnna is an intelligent and beautiful girl. She has always been known for her "Breck Girl" hair. She turned 15 in late Oct and is studying to get her drivers permit. She is a tremendous blessing from the LORD to our family. Her hearts desire is to fear God and keep his commandments. She is a devoted friend and is sure about her path in life. She loves anything football and especially enjoyes watching the Gators play since Tim Tebow has joined the team. We all admire the fact that he was homeschooled and has the testamony that he loves Christ as we do. LeAnna is becoming woman right before my eyes and one day not so far in the future I will be giving her away to another man (How hard will that be!?!) Oy, the tears.

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