Can you guess how old she is? ..... given the clue, she's five, of course this opens up a whole new world, especially being a big sister and all. We just need to be clear on the fact that shes five, you know she can do things herself now, she doesn't need your help any more, after all that's for her little sister right? Don't you wish they never grew up? One day she Will be holding up both hands telling you shes TEN ( The glory in that of course is that it's double digits, then comes Thirteen which is way cool because now she's a teen and knows everything. Afterwards it's fifteen with the drivers permit and sweet sixteen comes way to soon and she's getting her drivers licence. That's about the time they can't figure out that you were a teen once and actually know something about it. Well it all happens way to fast for any of us parents. All we can do is have portraits created of them at each stage of their lives before the moment leaves us and is gone forever. One day your are holding them in your arms and they are helpless and the next your are letting them go and you are helpless. The bible says "children are a blessing from the Lord". This is one of the great truths that God shares with us in his word. What a blessing to know that we can personally be changed by his grace and at the same time trust him with the outcome of the lives of the souls he has entrusted to us, our children. And yes as I write this I think of my own children and what a blessing they are to me. Typing and holding back tears all at the same time. I guess it's all part of the job.

1 comment:
You're the greatest photographer in the universe:) Thank you as always! Love the car and the little girl sure is cute too.
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